Thursday 23 June 2011

Lord Lanto's Message

So Star Wishing Well is back on track after Guatemala for Daily Messages From the Highest Spiritual Realms to be shared with All!! :)

Today Lord Lanto came through to me he is a Chohan of the 2nd Ray of Wisdom and Truth & is a chinese Ascended Master.
This is his message... "I am here to assist you to focus on the Higher Level of Life your Soul has come here to Live out this lifetime. When Your Soul lives its true path, Light from Spirit (source) fills your every body & You safely Ascend to the Higher level you are ready to move to. I ask You to listen & look at your own Beliefs & Value Systems & check if any adjustments need to be made to your life. Ask Yourself... Do these current Values Honour Myself & All Others for Our highest Good... Do my Actions & the Energies i am putting out into the Universe Serve all with Trust, Unconditional Love & Understanding... You can all make slight changes today to either Your Beliefs and/or Behaviours to make Everything run more in line with your True Soul Path. I will help You to Simply Detach & Release the old & build & live out the knew... Respectful values for Ourselves & All others are the Keys to A Joyful Light Filled Heart & Soul." xxx