Wednesday 29 June 2011

Yogananda's Message

So This Morning I hear The Name Yogananda repeat over & over again & I ask if he is here to bring us the Daily Message & He smiles & Says he is.. How Wonderful for us all!! I'm excited so lets see what is the message... "I am a Yogi, as you all know & I took great pleasure in bringing teaching to the West in My human Body & Still cont...inue now as an Ascended Master.
I bring Clarity & Healing to YOU ALL Today on ALL levels & Will Help Everyone To See the Fundamental Unity in Religious beliefs.
You Can feel my presence as a Strong Loving Honest & Powerful Energy All around you & it will really have you seeing the world & situations around you in a different light... You will feel so Supported Today.
Don't try so hard to "see" for I bring to You this Clarity in Your Life & You will feel it Clearer than Ever & You will know exactly what You have to do in order to be living the Life of no Suffering & Peace.
Let Me Guide & Teach & Show & Nurture You through this, Today & Every Day here on in... End Your Suffering." xxx