Saturday 4 June 2011

Saint Anthony's Message

Today Saint Anthony of Padua (he is the Patron Saint of Lost items & Travellers) has Channelled through to pass on a message for us: "Many of You Feel some level of Discontent or Disharmony in Your Life & the Emphasis (taught by society influence) has strongly been on Looking toward the Outside Material Mantel to bring Happiness & a S...ense of Fulfilment... I am here Today to Assist You in Finding this Joy & Feeling of "All" from Within Yourself. The times of Travelling need to be made inside the self... Travelling inside to find Peace, Harmony, Serenity, Love & Joy & Following their Gentle Flow & Guidance we soon see leads to attracting others Whom hold these qualities at the same Vibration we Personally do... So the Outer Reflects Our Inner & as we learn to Read & Observe Our Own Vibrations & Judgments of Ourselves & Others we begin to Adjust that which we no longer wish to hold in Our Lives. Our True Self Can Be Found INSIDE & I Today Help YOU Find YOU!! Trust Me"