Wednesday 22 July 2015

Faerie Wishes to Come True for You

Today I send Faerie Magic from the South Lakes in UK to the rest of the world and beyond.
Make a wish and watch as you allow it to float off in the hands of the faeries to be transformed by pure magic into the perfect outcome for your direct life purpose.

Friday 17 July 2015


Hello Beautiful Star Wishing Wellers 
ALOHA upon our return from Beautiful Hawaii!
Right now there are many challenges coming fast and furious as the KARMA of YOUR PAST & PRESENT LIVES CLEAR your path at an alarming rate.
Fancy feeling more Positive & Joyous?
I know I LOVE life so much more when my reactions to lifes challenges are positive.
So today I am starting 40 days of Yoga/Meditation to assist me in ths process.
I am Guided to Ask the Star Wishing Wellers to join me in this little venture!
Now it doesn't matter how far you can stretch or if you can only do half of the exercises due to physical blockages as this simply shows the amount of Wounds you are carrying from past lives and this life & doing as much as you cn will clear what is ready to clear.
I personally have many blockages in my being that mean my body is far less flexible than others might be but i don't judge and i just do the best i can knowing that i am doing wonders for ME!!
So let me know if you are going to join in so we can support each other!!
Here is the link of the Yoga Kriya set to help.