Thursday 20 August 2015

You are Blessed !

We all know Angels leave us signs showing us where they have been along our path in life...

Remember, Angels and Your Personal Spiritual Guides from Animals Guides through to Tribal Ancestors, are always with you and all you need to do is ask them for their Assistance & then watch and Listen for the answers.

You are Always Blessed & watched over by the Higher Spiritual Realms.

Friday 14 August 2015

Flow In Simplicity like The Seas & Oceans

Here today take the Guidance from the Simple Life lived by the Seas & Oceans.

Flow with Your own Natural Rhythm...
For it is the Energy that creates the Waves
The Moon that creates the Tides
The Water that sustains the Life
And the Sun that creates the Magnificent Golden Sparkles.

Allow the Flow of Your Life to Flow in the Direction always intended without interventions.

Imagine Yourself Gently Floating through Your Life, in Peace, In Love, In Serenity.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Absolute Love & Forgiveness.

Message sent to us today from the Highest Skies where the Vibration is of absolute Love & Forgiveness.

For those who feel guilt & whose concsience is on the alert for even the smallest things they have done or said that may have harmed another being or the Planet. You are asked to Forgive Yourself and Praise Yourself for doing not just the best you can do but for Being so AWAKE & feeling so much compassion for all others & for the Earth.

Let yourself be guided by your Compassion & Keep Raising Your Standards but release your guilt when you don't meet your own expectations & know you have done the best you could at the time. Fly High & Be Proud of Yourself.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Allow like the Droplets of Rain

Softly Softly fell the droplets of rain & each one held it's own individual energy until it formed a union with all like others to form the Rivers, Lakes, Seas & Oceans of the World.

Allow Your Vibration & Consciousness to rise Naturally without fears, force or others holding you back. Then hold your own wonderous energy and watch as you inspire others to Allow rather than Push their Energetical Progress.

Monday 10 August 2015

Untangle the Stress

A Message today from the Tangled Roots of Trees...

Life may at times feel and seem like a complete tangled mess of different events and thoughts all taking place at the same time, conflicting one another and not all working out the way you would like them to. This can leave you utterly befuddled, exhausted & lacking faith in life.

But we ask you to remember that all the events and thoughts, like all we tangled roots, end up forming a beautiful mass of tree which holds our entirety & makes us the Unique Beings we are.
Allow the thoughts and events to flow through you, hold on to none and allow the natural shape of your life to take hold without Fear.