The Beginning: As a child there were many signs evident of my ability to connect to Higher Spiritual Realms & Guides especially Dolphins & Whales. In time, synchronicity, intuition & inquisitiveness lead me to learn and understand more about these abilities and my Life Path through various avenues including: Healing from a Difficult Upbringing, 10 years working in the Care & Support field, Personal Study, Crystals, Meditation, Travelling & Teachers on the Earth Plane & in Higher Realms.
This has now developed into having a much deeper understanding of Who I truly am & how & What I am here to do this lifetime which includes Channeling Messages, Healing, Writing Poetry & Producing Artworks, Connecting People to their Spiritual Guides & Working with Crystals to help ALL within this Universe & Galaxies beyond to live in Harmony & alignment with our True Nature.

Now: I gave birth to my Amazingly wonderful Twins, Sunshine Sapphire Ruby-Rose & Romeo Emmanuel Charles on 6:6:2012.
I have continue to work with my Spiritual Guides through Meditation, Crystal Work, Angel Cards, Direct Communications & Travels which all raise my levels of Consciousness & see my body's Vibrations being at the highest level possible for me in the present moment. This enables the Healing & Channelling I provide to be as Recently Developed & Powerful as possible & Directly Connected to the Vibrations we all need in our life in the Now & for the Future.

Location: I work Universally and go to where the universe calls my twins and me to live which is currently in the South of England with travels to various countries along the way.