Monday 18 July 2011

Archangel Gabriel's Message

The Angelic Energy that is here with us today is from the Highest Celestial Realm, we have Archangel Gabriel with us today, this is what he has to tell us...
" Blessed You all are, Exactly as You are, I can See You are all doing your job perfectly, playing your role just right. And I applaud You.
I Surround You in White Purifying Light today to Assist You in Cleansing Your Bodies so they can be in Greater Connection to Your True Self & Your Angelic Guidance.
Allow this White Light to enter through your Crown Chakra and travel through all of your body inside and about 5 inches outside as well, this covers Your Auric fields too.
Feel the strength of Heart & Mind this Pure Light i send gives you & Move up a level of consciousness knowing that despite what others may think or say or how they judge you, you are doing exactly as You are suppose to This Life Time, Trust this is so.
There may be difficulties in your life right now but they too are suppose to be there, Remember it is a continuous journey and every little part we play makes the Bigger picture perfect.
Again i remind you that You are all Blessed with Angelic Love & Support, Smile & be at Peace with Yourself in the white light of Support & Acceptance." xxx ♥