Monday 25 July 2011

Buddha's Message

Today we have Buddha (Siddhartha) with us, He is a Beautiful Heartfelt Energy, so very Gentle.
He brings with him instructions for meditation in which to practice detaching to our suffering.

"This, is the most simple of ways in which to Meditate. The Focus is on the Breath... Breath IN breath OUT, Counting one for each cycle, up to ten..., then back down again to one.
Leave the thoughts that arise as they are, do not feed into them or try to push them away... just let them be.
If You feel great discomfort in the Body then move to relieve the pain then return to the position You were originally in.
Do not judge Your ability to sit in position or to keep focus on the Count & Breath... If You lose Focus on count then simply start again at number one and work your way up to ten and then back down to one, with each breath. Let the breath be natural, not forced, not long and deep, just as it is, for you, at that time.
Keep your eyes open in front of You, gazing about a meter in front.
Sit in crossed legged position, if You can, or kneeling or with back against a wall or if non are possible then you can lie down.
The focus is on the Breathing & the non-attachment to thought.
Try for ten minutes up to thirty minutes.
Do not congratulate or berate yourself for the amount of time you can sit or for holding the correct posture... These are False attachments which are unnecessary & feed only the Ego.
The Beauty is found in Your breath & how You feel less Attached to Your Suffering & more at peace within.
Do not judge... just let be." xxx ♥