Wednesday 20 July 2011

Lady Portia's Message

Today the Energy & Message is from a very Caring Female Guide, Lady Portia, she is Cohan of the Golden Ray, her Twin Flame is Saint Germain & she is Goddess & keeper of the Flames of Justice & Opportunity. She works to "balance love and wisdom, justice and mercy within the hearts".
This is her Message Today...
"Today I Wish to share wit...h You Wisdom about Understanding the Balance within Your Physical Body as You move through Transitionary Times now in the Aquarian Age.
I watch you all & can see that many of You are very hard on Yourselves & listen to the "Illusion" when it comes to your Physical Body.
The answer is realy very simple... Your body communicates with you by telling you when it is hungry, thirsty, tired, energetic, sick, well, hot & cold. This is a wonderful link but too often You are not listening to what Your body really wants & needs & instead follow suggested Diets, Exercise Regimes in order to "look a certain way" or call yourself "lazy" when you want to Sleep/Rest more & this Behaviour is not in sync with what your body is Truly asking for.
I ask You to listen to Your Own Body because You are all so Diverse in your Requirements that only You can Ever Know what is Right for You & it changes each & everyday too so limit yourself to certain Rules.
For some people a vegie Diet is great, others may need meat, some people may be going through a phase where they really need to rest more, where as others may feel the need to be active... Diets are very outdated & a waste of mental & emotional focus...
When you are in tune with your body you can see why you may be overeating or undereating, or why you are so hard on yourself, you can see the emotional link underneath & once you deal with the underlying cause or stress then you will find the "Eating/Behaviour & Habit" is no longer with you & Your body is able to return back to its own perfect balance.
So the Answer is to Listen to Your body & Find Your own balance.
Sleep more if you need to, quite a lot of Your Sleep time is spent at Higher Concsious levels where You travel to other Dimensions & are Taught by Your Spiritual Guides, this can leave You exhausted in the morning and still in need of sleep!! This is all part of the Ascending Process, so be Grateful for all that takes place in the time you are sleeping & then give your body more rest when it asks for it.
Be kind to Your Body & to Your Self... Make it Your goal today to Start to Look & Listen to Your Body & then adhere to its callings to Find Your own Balance, i am here to guide this process for You, I am happy to assist, ask me anything & i am there for you." xxx ♥