Sunday 31 July 2011

Archangel Gabriel's Message

Today's message is from Archangel Gabriel... Archangel Gabriel oversees Communication, Teaching, and Genius.
Here is the Ever so Wise Message from Him...
"Communication is a Vital Key for You as Humans this life and now is the time to learn to be WISE in Communication.
Knowing When to Speak & When to not, Whom to speak to & Whom to not,... What to say & What to not, knowing Why you say what you do & why you don't say what you might want to, and the tone in which you speak to yourself & to others is so important in your life.
Observe Today the way in which You Communicate & Make a few changes to Your Communicative style, changes that can benefit the relationships you have with Yourself & Others.
Communicate through different means... non-verbal communication is most rewarding & brings great joy & peace, it can help solve & smooth situations which could otherwise be reduced to spoken harmful words.
A simple smile can lift a heart to Levels of Joy that can last all day & remain in the memory for later recollection for years to come.
Use the gifts of kindness You have been given in your communicating & reserve your energy by leaving some words left unsaid to others whom may not be open to receiving the message just now...
Remember each person is on their Own path, with their Own understanding of life & moving at their Own pace...
Take a moment before you speak to think twice about if the thoughts need to be created into spoken words and the possible consequences these words might have... The key is to communicate for the greater good of ALL... Be Wise in the way in which You Communicate."
♥ ♥ ♥